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How to complete the deposit

Adding an Embargo Period

Click on the button "Visibility" of I Upload my files section and choose the embargo period you wish:

Add an embargo

Embargo choice

Specify Information for a Publisher's File

If your file contains the published version (file downloaded from the publisher's website for example), you must specify the rights for this file. Click on “Origine du fichier principal” of I Upload my files section and choose the corresponding item:

Origine of the file

Rights of the file

Adding a Creative Commons Licence

There are two ways to add a Creative Commons Licence: you have it on I Upload my files section with Licence and you can also find the button on Give Informations about your Submission section in the field “Main Informations” and choose the corresponding item:

Adding a Creative Commons Licence

I Upload my files section


"Main Informations" section

See further information about Creative Commons Licences

In Press

On Metadata, Give Informations about your Submission section, in the field “Main Informations”, click on “In Press”. The metadata is available for the Journal articles, Books and Book sections.

In Press

In Press button

The mention "In press" is displayed in the citation: think of updating your deposit after your document has been published.

Please note that this metadata should only be used for documents accepted for publication. It should not be used for documents that are already mentioned on the publisher's website, with a DOI and the "in press" mention. For a document that is not yet accepted (submitted), choose the type of document "Preprints/Working papers".

Warning: This option is different from the embargo one.

Adding identifiers : PMID, arXivID

If you wish to add one or several other document identifiers, use the field "identifiers" in the Metadata section:


HAL footer

Select in the list the name of the repository/database and paste the identifier. Click on "+" if you wish to add another one.

If you did not use a document identifier to retrieve metadata, you will find the field "identifier" when you display the complete list of metadata.

Please note that this field cannot be used to retrieve metadata.

If the research data is archived in a repository, add its identifier (DOI, etc.) in the field "Related data".

The link to the repository will be displayed in the notice.

Related Data

Related data

Adding an ANR project or European Project

Display the complete list of metadata and go to the field “Funding”. Enter the title or the acronym of your project in the field and select it in the proposed list.

ANR project

ANR Project example

If you don't find your project in the proposed list, you can add its metadata when clicking on "new". You can add several projects (click on +Add).


Add a new project